Record Assessment Results per Unit Enrolment

This page contains instructions on how to record assessment results for a Student's Unit Enrolment record


Recording assessment results can be done per each Student's Unit Enrolment record in the system. You can record the associated assessments to the enrolled Scheduled Unit by entering the raw mark and all the other fields will be auto-populated, e.g. Awarded Mark, Awarded Assessment grade, etc. You will also be provided with the Unit Enrolment projected mark and grade.


  1. Load the Student's Summary page for the student to whom you want to add the assessment results, see Load a Student record.

  2. With the Student Summary screen loaded, go to the UNIT ENROLMENTS section and click the ACTIONS button against the Unit Enrolment that you want to add the assessment results to and select the Assessment option.

Scroll to the EDIT ASSESSMENT RESULTS section that lists all associated assessments for the scheduled unit, and enter the results in the Raw Mark column (1) for each assessment.

If you want to manually enter the results into the remaining editable columns in the EDIT ASSESSMENT RESULTS section, enter those details and you then need to click the SAVE RESULT button.

In the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT section above, you will see the Projected Unit Mark and Grade based on the assessment results that you've just recorded.

If you click the COPY RAW MARK TO AWARDED MARK AND AUTO UPDATE GRADE button (2), you will auto-update the Awarded Mark, Awarded Grade, and Status columns. Then click the SAVE RESULT button.

Last updated