Create a Bulk List via the Student Search menu

This page contains instructions on how to add students to a bulk list via the Student Search menu.


Creating a bulk list of students can be done via the Student Search menu in Paradigm for the purposes of performing bulk operations related to the student record in the system. Two of the common applications of bulk actions via this menu are sending bulk communications and editing students' personal details, e.g. status and citizenship in bulk.


  1. Navigate to Student > Search menus on the side. Search for students that you wish to include in the bulk list. You can add generic criteria, e.g. Home Institution, Status, or part of the Student Number.

  1. To filter the search results use the search box at the top of the data table to restrict the list to match only records that meet the search criteria. Type a keyword or field that will relate more to the group of students that you are searching for.

  2. To select students for bulk communications or add them to a bulk list for other bulk processes, select the checkboxes on the right and click the EMAIL STUDENT IN LIST or ADD SELECTED TO LIST buttons below.

  1. You can now proceed to your intended bulk actions in Paradigm.

Last updated