Add Base Assessments to Base Units

This page will provide you with instructions on how to add assessments to Base Unit records in Paradigm.

Prerequisite Records


The instructions below assume that the Base Unit record where you want to add the assessments already exists in Paradigm, see Add Base Units.


Why add assessments at the Base Unit level?

Adding assessments at the Base Unit level can have the following advantages in your data entry efficiency considering the following:

  • Define the assessments that will define the grade or mark of a Base Unit that can be added with one click when the Base Unit is scheduled in the future

  • Add assessments with delivery mode distinction (e.g. different sets of assessments for the online and in-class delivery modes) and when the Base Unit is scheduled, you have a one-click solution to add the set of assessments in a specific delivery mode.


  1. Load the Base Unit record you want to add the assessments, see Search a Base Unit record.

  2. Once the Base Unit record is loaded, you can either choose Units > Edit Details > Assessments menus on the side to get to the assessments section or scroll down the page and look for the ASSESSMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH UNIT section. Click the NEW ASSESSMENT button.

adding a new assessment to a Base Unit record
  1. Refer to the Base Assessments record type for a description of each field. Select the SAVE ASSESSMENT button to save the assessment.

  2. Click the NEW ASSESSMENT button again to add more assessments required for this unit of study, ensuring that the sum of all weightings across all of the assessment pieces adds up to 100%.


If the assessments added have different delivery modes (e.g., separate assessments for online and in-class modes), ensure that the total weighting for assessments in each mode equals 100%.

Last updated