Receipt/Refund/Return Agent Commission Payment


For cases when a student withdraws or for whatever reason an agent needs to return a commission amount that has already been paid to them, Paradigm allows you to process a receipt of that return payment from agents. Refer to the instructions from the workflow section below.


Step (1) Create a Credit Note on the Student Course Enrolment

The first thing to do is to create a credit notice to the Paid invoice of the student where the returned commission belongs and then pay off the amount. Refer to the instructions on these Accounting workflows for the instructions:

  1. After you have issued the credit note, pay off the amount by following the next workflow: Recording Customer Returns

Step (2) Receipt the Returned Commission Amount from an Agent

  1. Navigate to Agent > Finances > Return Invoices menus on the side. In the AGENT INVOICES section click the NEW INVOICE button.

  2. Select the returned amount under the UNIT ENROLMENTS NOT INVOICED FOR AGENT section, check the details of the INVOICE section and click the SAVE INVOICE button and click the STATUS TO SENT button.

  3. Pay off the invoice by clicking the ACTIONS button against the invoice that you just created and selecting the Create Payment from Invoice Total option. Check the PAYMENT details and just click the SAVE PAYMENT button

  4. After paying off the invoice, navigate to Agent > Finances > Pay Return Invoice menus on the side and select the invoice.

  5. Check the amount under the OUTSTANDING INVOICE ITEM LIST section and click the APPLY PAYMENT button. The payment has now been applied to the commission amount.

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