Student Portal Menus

Paradigm Student Portal offers a lot of features and functionalities that can be applied to your business or institution depending on your current needs and requirements. The sample screenshot below shows some of the menus the students can use.


The list of menus made available to students is dependent on how you configure your Student Portal site and what features of Paradigm related to students you want to be made open.

Refer to the following list of some of the available menus you can enable or use when using the Student Applicant Portal.

(A) Student

This menu contains the possible menus the students can have on their Student Portal. The following are some of them that you can enable for the students to view or navigate on their portal.

(B) Providers

This menu is accessible to students who are also considered as staff in your business or institution and you're giving them a higher permission level, e.g. to help with data entry, etc. The lowest permission level you can give to your student to access this menu is the STUDENTADMIN, see Student Login

(C) Courses

The Courses menu will let the students search and view the Courses offered in your business or institution. You can use this as an opportunity to market your course offerings. When making this menu available to students, it is advisable that your Base Course Records contain the necessary information you want for the students to see, e.g. Course Description, Completion Requirements, Accreditation details, etc. NOTE that the fields you want the student can see on this page are highly configurable, see Edit Form Fields.

(D) Units

The same concept as the Course menu for students - they can search for the Base Units and Scheduled Units offered in your business or institution. The fields in your Base Unit Records must contain the information about the units that you want the students to see. If the Units are associated with Assessments, the students can also view them - giving them the necessary information on what to expect and how to prepare in the event that they will enrol on the units.

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