Edit a Fee Rule

This page will provide you with instructions on how to edit a Fee Rule in Paradigm


Unit enrolments that have already been created, are not automatically updated when any fee rule is edited. Editing a Fee Rule will not reflect the change to already existing Unit Enrolments. Changes will take effect on new Unit Enrolments created after the changes have been made.


  1. Search for the Fee Rule that you want to edit, see Search for a Fee Rule.

  2. With the Fee Rule to be edited EDIT UNIT FEE DETAILS section loaded - refer to the Fee Rules Record Type for a description of each field.

If you are new to Fee Rule and would want to know how it works, refer to the Add a Fee Rule page introduction: How Fee Rules Work section.

Update or edit the required fields.

editing a unit fee rule
  1. Click the SAVE UNIT FEE button to save your changes.

Last updated