Subsidies and Scholarships

This page will provide an overview of subsidies and scholarships in Paradigm


For cases when your business or institution offers subsidies and scholarships to students to help finance their studies, Paradigm provides an option to add your scholarship details and be included in the Unit Enrolments Financial Details when doing invoicing.

The screenshot below shows the scholarship-related fields that can be found under the FINANCIAL INFORMATION section of each Unit Enrolment record in the system, see Unit Enrolment Record Type.


The list under the fields (Subsidy Type and Select subsidy type from list) above can be customised using the System > Edit Code Items menu with the Code Type Id of "SCHOLARSHIP_TYPE". Refer to the Edit Code Items page for more details.

Student Scholarship Menu

The Student Scholarship Menu is where you can create, edit, and delete Scholarship Application Details and Assessment Information. Refer to the following workflows for the instructions:

For the workflows on how to apply scholarship payments and subsidies to a Unit Enrolment Financial Information page, refer to the Using the Unit Enrolment Financial Information Section for invoicing and receipting.

Unit Enrolment Scholarship Encoding

To record any scholarships, internal funding, subsidies, etc. directly in the Unit Enrolment record, refer to the following workflows:

Accounting Module Scholarship Menu

The Accounting Module Scholarship Menu provides another section to enter the Student Scholarship Information when you are using solely the Accounting Module of Paradigm when doing invoicing.

The following are the related workflows for applying scholarship payments or internal discounts to Unit Enrolments:

More details on the Accounting Module Scholarship Menu can be found here.

Last updated