Edit a Base Course record

This page will provide you with instructions on how to edit existing Base Course records in Paradigm.


Editing a Base Course record should only be done in consultation with Silverband and only under certain circumstances as any changes can impact many historical student enrolments.

Data Entry Notes

  • If a Course is significantly different (e.g. due to re-accreditation) a new Base Course record should be created and successfully validated and reported to TCSI prior to enrolling any students into the new Course.

  • VET institutions inheriting students from another institution as part of course assurance must be coded as belonging to a separate base course record that is dedicated to tracking the inherited student cohort. This field will be referenced for any unit enrolments that are reported to the government via TCSI.


  1. Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

  2. Enter one or all of the following search criteria: Course ID, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

  3. Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria (If the name and ID are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

  1. If the return list needs more filters (given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to edit, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

  1. Once you’ve found the course record that you want to edit, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page. Update or edit the required information accordingly.


Editing the Course Id or Course Code field will create a new Base record in the system duplicating the existing Base Course record information after you save the changes.

  1. Click the SAVE COURSE button to save the changes.

Last updated