Delete Applied Payment to an Invoice

Issue Description

During the reconciliation process, a payment was inadvertently entered into Paradigm without realising that it had already been made through the Paradigm system. This has resulted in creating a duplicate payment entry, and it is essential to delete it.


  1. Load the student, see Search a Student Record

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to Accounting > Invoices menu. Load the invoice in question by clicking on the Invoice Number hyperlink in the first column.

  3. Take note of the payment IDs you want to apply to the invoice again after deleting all payment applications.

  4. After loading the Invoice, go to the ITEMS section and click the "ADD INVOICE ITEMS" button.

  5. After clicking the ADD INVOICE ITEMS button, in the INVOICE HEADER section, click the "SET TO IN-PROCESS AND DELETE PAYMENTS TO ITEMS" button.

  6. Click DELETE to confirm the deletion action.

  7. After clicking the DELETE button, in the INVOICE HEADER section, click the "EDIT INVOICE" button.

  8. Set the Invoice status to "Sent" by clicking the STATUS TO SENT button.

By this time, the invoice payment has now been deleted and is now ready to be paid again using the intended payment Id.

  1. Go to Accounting > Invoices on the side menu and search for the Invoice in question again.

  2. Click on the "ACTIONS" menu for the invoice you want to add the payments back to and select the "Pay Invoice" option.

  3. Apply the intended payment back to the invoice that was noted in Step 3, see Paying Off Invoice.

Last updated