Record Final Grades of Students Enrolled in a Scheduled Unit

This page will provide you with instructions on how to add Final Grades to Students enrolled in a Scheduled Unit


Final Grades can be recorded per Class or per each Scheduled Unit record in the system with its related enrolments. You have the option to enter the numerical or the grade percentage the student has achieved and all the other academic fields will be auto-populated, e.g. Grade Description, GPA, etc. Refer to the instructions below on how you can enter the results this way.


  1. Search for the Scheduled Unit where you want to add the Final Grades of the students enrolled by choosing Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Student Results menus on the side.

  2. Enter any combination of Unit Id, Unit Name, Unit Provider, Start Date, or End Date (Paradigm needs at least one of these in order to search) and click the SEARCH SCHEDULED UNIT button.

  1. Click the ACTIONS button against the Scheduled Unit record that you want to add the final grades to and select the Edit Unit Results option.

The Edit Unit Results option will open the EDIT STUDENT RESULTS section where you can see all the students currently enrolled in the Scheduled Unit.

Enter your grade details with the following conditions:

  • If you enter the percentage grade of the student, enter the result under the Grade % (If Used) column for the respective student and click the SAVE RESULTS & ASSIGN GRADES button. This will auto-fill the Grade Description and GPA and Enrolment Status columns.

  • If you enter the grades only by description, choose the Grade Description for each student accordingly in the Grade Description column for each student and select the SAVE RESULTS & ASSIGN GRADES button. This will auto-fill the GPA column.

  • If you are using Assessments and the Scheduled Unit has associated Assessments, refer to the workflow: Calculate Final Grades from Assessments

  • You also have the option to fill in all the columns (Grade Description, Grade % (If Used), and Enrolment Status) manually and just click the SAVE RESULTS button. This is applicable if you want to override the system's value

  • NOTE that the last column Enrolment Status can also be set manually or it will be auto-updated when you click the Save Results & Set Enrolment Status From Grade button given that the Grades are mapped to Unit Enrolment Status, see Set the Unit Enrolment Status for a Grade Item if you want to map a specific Unit Enrolment Status for each Grade. The values that are TCSI-reportable set in this column are sent to TCSI as the Unit Enrolment Status Code [E355, see Map Status and Code Items to TCSI Values] for each Unit Enrolment record unless the Unit Enrolment Status is updated/edited at some point.

Recording the Final Grade with the selected condition that is applicable to your current requirements will save the unit enrolment record or it will save the record and auto-update the Unit Enrolment status accordingly, see Set the Unit Enrolment Status for a Grade Item if you want to map a specific Unit Enrolment Status for each Grade.

Save Results Button

You can refer to the following on how each of the save buttons under this screen works:


The Enrolment Status and Grade Description auto-population works if the Grade is set to an equivalent Result Status and Min and Max Marks in your Grade Schema configuration, and will also auto-report to TCSI the Unit Enrolment Statuses that are reportable, see Map Status and Code Items to TCSI Values

  • (1) SAVE RESULTS & SET ENROLMENT STATUS FROM GRADE - This will auto-fill the Grade Description, GPA, and Enrolment Status columns if the Grade % Column is filled out. If you are not using the Grade % Column, using this button will auto-update/populate the Enrolment Status based on the Grade Description value.

  • (2) SAVE RESULTS & ASSIGN GRADES - This will save and add the grades if blank. If you are using the Grade % Column and the grades are entered, clicking this button will auto-fill the Grade Description, GPA, and Enrolment Status columns. If you are only using the Grade Description column, clicking this button will only auto-populate the GPA column.

  • (3) SAVE RESULTS - This will save whatever values you have set on the screen. If you want to set the values manually without using the auto-population of fields, enter or edit the values accordingly and click this button.

Publish the Final Grades

After you have saved the Final Grade details if you want to publish the grades and make them available for the students to view, refer to the Publish Final Grades of Students Enrolled in a Scheduled Unit workflow.

If you want to Schedule a Grade Release Date, refer to the next workflow.

Are you using Assessments?

If the Scheduled Unit is associated with Assessments and you want the Final Grade calculated according to the assessment results, refer to the workflow: Calculate Final Grades from Assessments

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