Add Related Unit Enrolments of a Scheduled Unit to a Bulk List

To view and add related Unit Enrolments of a Scheduled Unit to the bulk list, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Related Unit Enrolments: Navigate to the section where you can view the related Unit Enrolments of the Scheduled Unit. You can refer to the instructions provided here.

  2. Select Records: Once you are on the page displaying the related Unit Enrolments of the Scheduled Unit, you can proceed to select the records you want to add to the bulk list. You have two options:

    • Select All: Check the checkbox heading to select all the Unit Enrolments at once.

    • Select Individually: Alternatively, you can manually select each individual record by checking the checkboxes next to the specific Unit Enrolments you wish to include in the bulk list.

  1. After selecting the Unit Enrolments, click the CREATE STUDENT BULK LIST button.

The system will proceed to include the chosen Unit Enrolments into a dedicated bulk list, which can then be utilised for various bulk operations that necessitate the students' party ID, Course Enrolment ID, and Scheduled Unit ID.

Last updated