TCSI Error Code - 10352

Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) is before the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) and the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) for the linked Course Admission record. The Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) must be on or after the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534).

Error Logic

The Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) must be on or after the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) of the Course Admission Resource Key (UID15) linked to the Unit Enrolment Resource Key (UID16).

Paradigm Error Resolution

This error occurs when at least one unit enrolment has been recorded with either or both the unit enrolment start date and end date existing outside the course start date and course end date.

  1. Check these two fields (Start Date and Expected End Date) under Student > Course Enrolment > Course against the Unit Enrolment Start and Expected End Date.

  2. Move the Course Enrolment Start Date to be the same or before the start date of the Unit, and save the Course Enrolment. If the Unit Enrolment Expected End Date occurs after the expected end date of the Course Enrolment, you will need to change the Course Enrolment Expected End Date too. Then load and save the Unit Enrolment again.

Last updated