Add an Agent Record


The instructions below are for adding an individual agent record in the system. If you opt to bulk upload your Agent records, refer to the Agent Record Type table for the fields or available information that you can add to an agent record. Contact our Support Team for further instructions on the bulk upload.

Please ensure that the Agent doesn't exist prior to creating a new Agent record. It should not give you a result when you do a search for the new agent information to be added.

  1. Choose Agents > Add New menus on the side.

  2. Enter the required information. Refer to the Agent Record Type table for the description of each field.

  3. Click the SAVE DETAILS button.

  4. After clicking the SAVE DETAILS button, the agent information has now been added to the system. Now that the Agent Record has been added to the system, you can proceed to the other workflows related to the Agent record in the system.

  5. Proceed to the next workflow to add a Contact Login for the Agent record.

Last updated