Missing units or not showing as enrollable in the Course Plan

There are several factors why a scheduled unit is not appearing or not appearing as an allowable unit to be enrolled in. Refer to the steps below on how you can troubleshoot this issue further.

This article will address the following scenarios:

  1. Scheduled Unit is missing or not found in the Course Plan

  2. Scheduled Unit appears as Unit Not Scheduled


The troubleshooting(TS) steps below assume that your Course Plan for the Course where the Scheduled Unit(s) in question belongs has already been established. Refer to the Manage Course Outlines documentation.

STEP 1 Check and verify all the time period configurations in Paradigm.

  • To check, go to System > Edit Time Period: Configuration Period and check the 3 IDs (i-iii) below.

    • Make sure that the following Configuration IDs are within the current enrolment time period:




        • Are the time period configurations correctly set?

          • YES, proceed to STEP 2.

          • NO, set your time period configurations properly, refer to Edit Configuration Period workflow.

            1. Refresh the student’s Course Plan screen. Has the issue been resolved? Yes, end of TS.

            2. No, proceed to STEP 2.

STEP 2 Check and verify the Start and End Date of the Scheduled Unit(s).

  • To check, search for the missing scheduled unit(s) in the Course Plan and check the dates, see Search a Scheduled Unit.

    • Is/Are the Scheduled Unit(s) missing or appear as a unit(s) not scheduled within the current Course Enrolment time period?

      • YES, Also, check the Max Participants field, make sure it's more than the currently enrolled students and the expected enrolment. If there's no issue with the value, proceed to STEP 3

      • NO, create the Scheduled Unit(s) for the current enrolment period, see Add a Scheduled Unit for the instructions.

        1. Refresh the student’s Course Plan screen. Has the issue been resolved? Yes, end of TS.

        2. No, proceed to STEP 3.

STEP 3 Make sure that the Unit(s) Id(s) is/are Added in the Course Outline.

  • To check, Load the Base Course and choose Courses > Outline menus on the side.

    • Is/Are the Unit(s) Id(s) already added in the Course Outline?

      • YES, proceed to STEP 4

      • NO, add the unit(s) as constraints to the Course Plan, refer to the Add Core and Elective Units workflow.

        1. Refresh the student’s Course Plan screen. Has the issue been resolved? Yes, end of TS.

        2. No, proceed to STEP 4.

STEP 4 Check for duplicates of your Base Unit code

  • To check, search for the base unit (by using the Unit Code as your search criteria) of that scheduled unit that’s missing/not scheduled.

    • Are there any duplicate base unit records with the same Unit Id?

      • YES, add the required base unit Id in the Course Outline, and add the necessary constraints, - refer to the Adding Constraints workflow.

        1. Refresh the student’s Course Plan screen. Has the issue been resolved? Yes, end of TS.

        2. No, contact our Support Team.

      • NO, contact our Support Team.

Last updated