Add Assessments to Scheduled Units

This page will provide you with instructions on how to add Assessments to a Scheduled Unit in Paradigm


Scheduled Assessments are the assessments that would define the outcome of a Scheduled Unit. Adding assessments to units in Paradigm can be done in three different ways, depending on which applies best to your current settings. You can define assessments once in the Base Unit level and apply them to Scheduled Units, or assessments that are dependent on the mode of delivery, see Add Assessments to Base Unit, add a totally unique set of assessments in the Scheduled Unit level.

Prerequisite Record

Prior to following the instructions below, the following is assumed to be true:

The Scheduled Units that you want the sessions added already exist, see Add Scheduled Units

If you have defined your Assessments at the Base Unit level, check and review the items.


  1. Search for the Scheduled Unit record where you want to add the assessments, see Search a Scheduled Unit.

  2. Once the Scheduled Unit record is loaded, choose Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Edit Scheduled > Assessments menus on the side or scroll down the page to get to the ASSESSMENTS section.

In the ASSESSMENTS section, refer to the following conditions on what action button to select:

  • Do you have Assessments defined in the Base Unit unit level of this Scheduled Unit?

    • IF YES (assessments defined in the Base Unit level)

      • Do you have Assessments for each mode of delivery at the Base Unit level?

        • IF YES - Select the ADD SCHEDULED ASSESSMENTS FOR DELIVERY MODE button. This will select the Assessments defined in the Base Unit level that are categorised in the same mode of delivery as the Scheduled Unit, e.g. copying online assessments from the Base Unit to an online Scheduled Unit

        • IF NO - Select the ADD SCHEDULED ASSESSMENT FROM ASSESSMENTS button. This will copy all the assessments to the Scheduled Unit irrespective of the delivery method.

    • IF NO (no assessments defined in the Base Unit level) - Select the NEW SCHEDULED ASSESSMENT button. This will open a section where you can enter the details of your new assessment for the Scheduled Unit.

Refer to the Record Type: Scheduled Assessments for a description of each field. Click the SAVE ASSESSMENT after filling out the fields.

Repeat the same steps to add more assessments required for this Scheduled Unit, ensuring (it is recommended) that the sum of all weightings across all of the assessment pieces adds up to 100%.

Video Tutorial

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