Advisor Reports


Advisors can save their reports in Paradigm. An Advisor is a member of a faculty, whose role is to help and guide students who are candidates for a Thesis or dissertation program, helping them select coursework, as well as shaping, refining and directing the student's choice of discipline in which they will write a dissertation. The Advisors are associated with the student record for tracking and reporting purposes. Reports can be saved, printed and emailed as required.

Assign the Role of Advisor to a Contact

Refer to the Assign Roles to a Contact workflow and select the Advisor as an assigned role. The Contact or Staff member that you want to be associated with as an Advisor of a Student record should have that role in their record.

Assign an Advisor to a Student

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side. Click the ACTIONS button and select Edit against the Course Enrolment record of the Student that you want to add an Advisor.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page under the CONTACT SEARCH section. You can set the Contact Role to Advisor if you want to see all Contacts in the system that has the Advisor role and click the SEARCH ALL CONTACTS button.

  1. Click on the Add Contact as Advisor icon next to the contact/staff member to be added as an Advisor.


The Contact has now been added to the Student's record as an Advisor. To check, go to the ADVISORS section.

Create an Advisor Report

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to Student > Course Enrolment > Advisor Reports menus on the side.

  3. In the ADVISORS FOR COURSE XXXXX section, click the Add Advisor Report icon against the Advisor.

  1. Under the ADVISOR REPORT DETAILS section, enter the required data for the report. Refer to the Advisor Report Fields Record Type for the description of each field.

  2. Click the SAVE ADVISOR REPORT button to save your report details.


The Advisor Report information is now saved and can be accessed under the PREVIOUS ADVISOR REPORTS section.

Edit | Delete Advisor Reports

  1. To edit or delete the Student Course Enrolment advisor reports, load the Student record, see Search a Student record and navigate to Student > Course Enrolment > Advisor Reports menus on the side.

  2. Go to the PREVIOUS ADVISOR REPORTS section and action accordingly. Click the EDIT (pencil icon) to edit and the DELETE (bin icon) to delete.

Last updated