Edit Course Fees

For guidance on editing the course fee, please refer to the instructions below:


In Paradigm, Course Fees are recorded as unit records. To modify a particular Course Fee, you need to know its exact name and the date range for which it was scheduled. We highly recommend conducting a scheduled search to locate the Course Fee you wish to edit.

  1. Navigate to Units > Search Scheduled Units menu and search for the Course Fee that you want to edit. Click the scheduled unit number to load.

  2. Go to the ASSOCIATED FEES section and click the EDIT button against the item that you want to edit. Here are some ways you can modify the fee items that are linked to the Scheduled Unit:

Edit a Fee Item

To edit a Fee, click the EDIT button against the associated fee item.

  1. To edit the selected Unit Fee, go to the EDIT FEE section, and edit the fields accordingly. Refer to the Scheduled Fees Record Type for a description of each field and click the SAVE UNIT FEE button to save your changes.

  1. To edit another Unit Fee associated with the Scheduled Unit, go to the FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SCHEDULED UNITS section on top and repeat the instructions in Step 3 above.

Edit All/Selected Fee Items to the Same Amount

To edit all/selected Fee Items to the same amount, click the EDIT button on any of the Fee Items.

  1. Click the select heading to select all the items on the list or select the fee items that are required, enter the amount that applies for all/selected items, and click the UPDATE SELECTED FEES button.

Delete Selected Fee Items

To delete Fee Items, click the EDIT button on any of the Fee Items.

To Delete a Unit Fee item, click the DELETE button against the Unit Fee item that you want to delete or select the checkboxes on the right against the Unit Fee items that you want to be deleted and then select the DELETE FEES button

Last updated