TCSI Error Code - 10867

Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) is before the Course Effective From Date (E609)

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) and the Unit of Study Census Date (E489) and the Course Effective From Date (E609). The Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) and the Unit of Study Census Date (E489) must both be on or after the Course Effective From Date (E609) for the linked Course record.

Error Logic

The Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) and the Unit of Study Census Date (E489) for the Unit Enrolment record (UID16) must both be on or after the Course Effective From Date (E609) on the Course record (UID5) that is linked to the Course Admission record (UID15) that is linked to that Unit Enrolment record (UID16).

Paradigm Error Resolution

This error is triggered by a Unit Enrolment coded outside the accreditation date of the course record. You need to cross-check these two fields in Paradigm to resolve this error: Accreditation Date (E609) of the Base Course record (Courses > Edit Details, see Edit Base Course), and the Start Date (E534) of the student’s Unit Enrolment record (Student > Course Enrolment > Units, see Edit Unit Enrolments).

To check the reported Start Dates of the Unit Enrolment records, you can also use the TCSI Reporting > Get all Student TCSI data menus on the side.

Last updated