Add a Student record

This page contains instructions on how to add Student records in Paradigm.


The workflows below aim to address the following business requirements:

  • Having a Student record that will serve as the student's profile in your business or institution throughout their study lifecycle

  • Reporting the student's required information to the government

  • Adding a student record directly in Paradigm using all the available fields, see Student record type for a list and description of all the available data fields.

  • Adding Student records in the system efficiently in bulk or via system integration.

Prerequisite Record

Prior to following the instructions below, the following is assumed to be true:

The Provider record has already been saved in the system, and that provider is to be the owner of the student record.

Refer to the Provider knowledge base article for further details.

Data Entry Notes

Status Codes

All student-related records within Paradigm should be assigned a status code from a defined list of available status values that reflect the best-known current state of that record. Using a single field to track the overall status of a record greatly simplifies reporting. It is strongly recommended that the status field is accurately maintained as the student progresses through their studies as part of the overall student lifecycle.

For further details regarding the default system status codes and their recommended use please refer to this page: Edit Status Items

Student Name Requirements


The student name for an International Student must be entered exactly as the name appears on the student's passport or any identity documents. This is a mandatory requirement of the PRISMS system.

  • Title – a title provided by the student, this is also a link to TCSI E405

  • Preferred Name – a student's preferred name or a nickname

  • Printed Name – is the name that will appear in official reports/documents or transcripts, this is also relevant to those individuals who have a ceremonial title

  • Single Name – this field is intended for individuals who have a single name on their identity documents/proofs. If present, this will override the first and last name entered in the system and it can be used for all the student’s reports/documents/transcripts, etc. Entering a single name on this field sends a 9999 value to TCSI when saved, see below information on how to enter a single name in Paradigm:

Single Name Data Entry Recommendation

There are a number of options for entering students that are only known by one name. It is recommended that each institution adopt one option and use it consistently.

Every student record must include some value in both the First Name and Family Name fields. In the case where a student has only a single name, e.g. "Jodo", consult the table below for a list of coding options. The field called Single Name may also be used to capture the complete name of the student as it appears on their identification documentation. The Single Name field may then be prioritised over the First Name and Family Name on system-generated letters or PDF reports.

First Name

Family Name

Single Name











Paradigm automatically sends a 9999 value to TCSI as soon as you record a Single Name in the system.

Overseas Student: (Yes/No) Field

  • YES = students who are not considered domestic for TCSI reporting

  • NO = students who are considered domestic for TCSI reporting

Refer to the following definition set by the government on being a Domestic Student:

A student who is one of the following:

  • Australian citizen (including Australian citizens with dual citizenship)

  • New Zealand citizen or a diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand, a member of the staff of such a representative or the spouse or dependent relative of such a representative, excluding those with Australian citizenship (Note: includes any such persons who have Permanent Resident status)

  • a permanent humanitarian visa holder

  • a holder of a permanent visa other than a permanent humanitarian visa

Source: TCSI Support | Glossary term

Student Number

  • Student numbers assigned by the system may be overridden by a user with a sufficient level of system access

  • If a student number is not supplied, the system will generate one - based on the next number in a predetermined sequence. For more information, refer to the section below

  • Each student number must be unique. A student number must not be reallocated or reused for any other student under any circumstances.

New student numbers may be assigned automatically by the system when a new student is created based on a number sequence that automatically increments after each new number is assigned. The number itself may also be given the following features:

  • A text prefix of between 3 and 5 characters (e.g. EDU)

  • A year prefix (e.g. 2022)

The text prefix is something that would not change over time. When the year prefix is used it is calculated by the system based on the year when the student number was generated. From January to September the system will issue a year prefix based on the current year. From 1st October the system will automatically start issuing student numbers based on the upcoming new year.

How to make the student record not reportable to TCSI

Providers who wish to retain and use test accounts within Paradigm are advised to update the student number field to ensure that the record is never reported via TCSI. The system prevents test students whose student number is defined in this way from being reported via TCSI Reporting > Bulk Push.

System Users/Providers need to update the Student Number field (Student > Edit Details) to have a prefix A - in the format: β€œA” + Student Internal Paradigm ID For example A10040 (as shown in the screenshot below)

Email Address

Upon following the steps in the Workflow section below, a new student email address will be created, using the Student Number and the name of the Home Institution.

For example, a student whose Student Number is 100308, and whose Home Institution name is SBUNI, would generate a student email address of:


There are many ways you can add student records to the system. Choose from these workflows for the scenario that most closely reflects your current business requirements.

Add Student Records in Bulk

Contact our Support Team to discuss more details on the requirements when adding Student records in bulk. The fields available when adding a Student record to the system can be found on the Student Record Type page.

If you know the Import Wizard menu, you can find the template and notes for importing Student records in the system here. You can also check a brief import demo here.

API Integration

Refer to this documentation - Paradigm API Integration. Contact our Support Team to discuss more on this option.

Add a Student Record Manually

The instructions below only focus on manually creating a student record directly in Paradigm.

  1. Choose the Student > Student Details > Add New menus on the side. It will then load the ADD NEW page with all the fields required and available to enter for a student record in the system.

Refer to the Student Record type for a description of each field. Also, check the Data Entry Notes section above.


If your institution is a VET Provider and the student record you are currently adding is a VET student, you will also need to complete the details in the VET STUDENTS ONLY Form section.

  1. When you have entered all the required information, click the SAVE STUDENT button to save your changes.

  2. Proceed to the instructions on this workflow Add Student Contact Info to add the student's addresses.

Last updated