Pay Agent Commissions Complex


After you have created an invoice of the Course Fee Plans paid for by the agents or students with net payment in the previous workflows, you can now then process a payment on agent commissions in the Agents Finances menu in Paradigm. This workflow allows editing of an invoice that requires more items than the already created payment invoice.


The instructions below assume that you have already performed either of the following net payment invoicing workflows of the Course Enrolment records that you want to pay the agents with:

Step (1) Create the Commission Payment Invoice

  1. Load the agent record that you want to process the payment, see Search an Agent Record

  2. With the agent record loaded, choose Agents > Finances menus on the side and click the NEW INVOICE button under the AGENT INVOICES section.

  1. Go to the UNIT ENROLMENTS NOT INVOICED FOR AGENT section and select the items that you to include, by default, it will auto-select all non-invoiced items due to be paid to the currently loaded agent in the system.


The Total including Withheld field auto-calculates the amount based on the Commission Outstanding value of the selected items. This will also be the value set in the Invoice Total Amount field when creating the invoice (in Step 4)

  1. Fill out the required fields under the INVOICE section above, and click the SAVE PAYMENT button

  2. After saving the agent commission payment invoice, to proceed refer to the following scenarios:

    • If you don't need to add more items to the invoice, proceed to Step (3) Pay Off the Agent Commission Payment Invoice

    • If you need to add more items to the invoice, proceed to Step (2) Edit and Add More Items to the Agent Commission Payment Invoice

Step (2) Edit and Add More Items to the Agent Commission Payment Invoice

To edit the invoice that you have created and add more items to it, refer to the following steps:

  1. In the Agents > Finances screen, under the AGENT INVOICES section, click the ACTIONS button against the Sent status invoice that you want to edit and select the Edit Invoice option.

  2. In the ITEMS section below, click the ADD INVOICE ITEM button

  1. After clicking the ADD INVOICE ITEM, click the SET TO IN-PROCESS AND DELETE PAYMENTS TO ITEMS under the INVOICE HEADER section and just click Yes to confirm your action.

  2. You can see the items that have been added so far under the INVOICE ITEMS section - edit as required

  3. In the UNIT ENROLMENTS NOT INVOICED FOR AGENT section, select the items that you want to add and click the ADD SELECTED AS ITEMS button.

  1. In the INVOICE HEADER section, click the EDIT INVOICE button and then click the STATUS TO SENT. The new items have now been added to the invoice, proceed to Step 3 to pay off the invoice.

Step (3) Pay Off the Agent Commission Payment Invoice

After you have set the agent commission invoice to SENT and adjusted or added the required items to the invoice, you can now proceed to pay off the invoice.

  1. Navigate to the Agents > Pay Commissions menu, select the invoice that you want to pay off, click the amount to apply, and click the APPLY PAYMENT button.


The commission amount is now being paid to the agent. You can print the payment invoice by navigating to the Agents > Finances > Payments screen against the ACTIONS button of the Payment Id

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Last updated