PIR Course of Study Report

Reporting Scope and File Structure

To view the required fields for this report and their corresponding locations in Paradigm, please refer to the Course of Study Group (PIR) section in our Data Element Dictionary.


You have the following options for running this report in Paradigm:

  • Build a Report in Report Builder using the Base Report called "PIR TCSI Course of Study View Details" - This is recommended if you want to build the report from scratch.

  • Load the Saved Report in Report Builder using the Saved Report called "1.1._PIR-Course-of-study-v1.1" - This is recommended if you check the latest PIR requirements and edit the report accordingly.

  • Generate the report via Reports > TEQSA menus on the side, and run the report section 1.1_PIR-COURSE-OF-STUDY-V1.1. - We recommend running this report once we've confirmed that the reports have been edited to comply with the latest PIR requirements. Refer to the instructions below for the details.

  1. Choose Reports > TEQSA menus on the side.

  2. Find the PIR Course of Study Report, and click the GET REPORT button.

  1. Fill out the fields by referring to the following screenshot.

  1. Click the PRODUCE REPORT button. The Report Data displays the Course of Study Codes and their related fields found for the Reporting Year.

Last updated