TCSI Error Code - 10445

Amount Charged (E384) exceeds the allowable maximum

TCSI Error Description

Amount Charged (E384) is greater than the EFTSL (E339) multiplied by the applicable maximum student contribution amount.

Error Logic

If Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392) is not '0', then Amount Charged (E384) must be less than or equal to the EFTSL (E339) multiplied by the maximum value (if is there is more than 1 combination match) for 'Maximum Student Contribution Amount' in the ACCVAL table value (Lookup.RefASCEDLoanRates table) for the combination of Discipline Code (E464), Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392), and the year in which the Unit of Study Census Date (E489) falls.

Error Resolution

Please check the Amount Charged (E384), EFTSL (E339), Discipline Code (E464) and Maximum Student Contribution Code (E392). The Amount Charged (E384) must be less than or equal to the EFTSL (E339) multiplied by the applicable maximum student contribution for the Discipline Code (E464).

Paradigm Error Resolution

  1. Check the Base Unit's E464 and EFTSL values by loading the Base Unit record and going to the EDIT TCSI DETAILS section.

  1. Refer to the maximum student contribution of the Unit's E464 value here. NOTE: Make sure to regularly review the government website for any updates to the Student contribution amounts.

  2. Multiply the maximum student contribution amount by the EFTSL value. Sample Scenario (from 2023 Student contribution amounts): In the above screenshot, the E464 category of the unit is 0201 COMPUTER SCIENCE which would fall under Funding Cluster 2 with a maximum contribution of $8,301. Therefore, 8301 * .125 equals 1,037.625 as the maximum Amount Charged [E384] of the Unit.

  3. Load the Unit Enrolment record and check the Unit Fee amount and the Funding Amount. Both should not be more than the maximum Amount Charged [E384] as computed in Step 3.

Last updated