Step 2 - Check the Source Data and Paradigm Fields Mapping

This page contains instructions on the second step of using an existing Import Profile using the Import Wizard

  1. After selecting either the LOAD LAST IMPORT RUN or the UPLOAD FILE button from Step 1 instructions, the mapping of the source data fields against the Paradigm fields is now being shown. If you are uploading a new data source file, you will notice a change in the sample data values on the right.

Refer to the instructions in the workflow: Step 2 - Map the Source Data Fields to Paradigm Fields if there are changes to be made to your mapping of the new data source. However, if the intention of using the existing profile is to follow and do the same (exact) type of import with the same type of data and format as your last import, DO NOT CHANGE any of the mappings and proceed to the next step instead to map the values (as necessary and required).

  1. Select the SAVE COLUMN BINDINGS button to skip this page or save the mapping (if there are any changes made) and continue to the next workflow:

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