Results Summary Report Showing Duplicates on One Unit Code - repeated with different Time Periods

This happens when you try to run the Results Summary report with an overlapping Scheduled Units date range and when the Scheduled Unit was created, the Time Period field was not used to specify the time period but was manually set instead.


To rectify the issue, refer to the instructions below:

  1. Load the Scheduled Unit in question and check the Start Date and End Date fields of the Scheduled Unit - find a match of the dates from the Academic Terms Time Period created. For example,

When you searched for the Time Period records, you found the following matching Academic Term Date range

2. After finding the Academic Term date range, go back to the Scheduled Unit record and select the Academic Term that matched the date from the Time Period field.

Note a change in the Start Date and End Date fields below.

3. Save the Scheduled Unit record and try to run the Results Summary report again.

Raise a HelpDesk ticket if the issue persists.

Last updated