Introduction: Fee Rules


Unit Enrolment Fees can be set by adding Fee Rules that relate to specific enrolment information of a student. The Fee will automatically be reflected each time a Unit Enrolment record is created depending on which Fee Rule matches the student's circumstance. Adding fees this way removes the manual fee association every time a Scheduled Unit is created.

It is highly recommended that you understand the rules and logic stated below on how Fee Rules work in Paradigm before you start adding Fee Rules in the system.

When to Add Fee Rules


Ensure that you have all of your Fee Rules correctly entered prior to commencing enrolments. Unit Enrolments that have already been created, are not automatically updated when any Fee Rule is added, removed or modified. In other words, if you have enrolled your student, and then changed the Fee Rules, the student’s enrolment will not reflect the change you make to the Fee Rules.

The Unit Fee Rules work in conjunction with Scheduled Units in order to charge students the correct amount for the units of the Course in which they are enrolled. Fee Rules logic eliminates the need to create multiple Fee Rules in the Scheduled Units via the Fees Associated With this Scheduled Unit section, see Manage Fees on Scheduled Units.

You will need to create Fee Rules prior to creating your Scheduled Units. If you have a β€œone-off” Special Fee it should be added to the β€œFees Associated with this Scheduled Unit” within the Scheduled Unit. Any fees entered on the Scheduled Unit page will override rules corresponding with existing fee rules.

How Fee Rules Work

The Fee Rule logic works based on the highest number of points on adding up the criteria (refer to details below).


When there are two Fee Rules that both have the same number of the highest points, the system will select the rule that has the higher fee amount.

Points Calculator:

  • Course Id = 8 points - Exemption, it will depend on the initial set-up for your institution. Please check with our Helpdesk to find out the number of points for your institution.

  • Credit Points = 1 point

  • Fee Type = 1 point

  • Unit Level = 1 point

  • Program Level = 1 point

  • Program Type = 1 point

  • Provider Party Id = 1 point

If required, extra weighting can be given to the Course Id field to ensure a 4 or 5-point match if the program level is not being used. The system then selects the fee amount that matches the highest number of points in combination.

It is important to map out all combinations of these fields that you require before you start to enter data. That way all combinations required can be entered into Paradigm easily and quickly.

As fees change from one year to the next existing rules can be updated, without changing any historical data of previously enrolled units, or rules can be retired or archived, and new rules can be created.

Paradigm Fee Rule Menus

The table below contains the sub-menus in Paradigm under (Units > Unit Fee Details) where Fee Rules can be managed:

Field Requirements For Creating a Unit Fee

The fields below are the fields required to fill out when adding a Fee Rule in Paradigm. You can refer to the Record Type section Fee Rules for more details on the fields.

Example Unit Fee Rule: Fields with Sample Data

In the following section, we present a coding example that demonstrates a Unit Fee rule in action. This example serves to provide a practical understanding of how Unit Fee rules can be implemented. For further information on the specific fields and their descriptions, we recommend referring to the Fee Rules section within the Record Type documentation.

The above fee rule is governed by the Course ID and credit point statement. The fee rule is also set to be effective according to the date specified.

Base Unit Mandatory Fields

To successfully add fee rules, it is crucial to ensure that certain fields within your Base Unit record are properly filled out. These specific fields play a vital role in facilitating the configuration and effective implementation of fee rules. Before proceeding with the creation of fee rules, it is imperative to review and complete the following fields within your Base Unit record:

Example 1: Fee Type and Credit Points

The table below is an example of creating fee rules for a Course depending on the Unit's Credit Points and Fee Type. An example Unit Enrolment Fee Amount outcome would be - given the data below, once a Student is enrolled on the Bachelor of Arts Course when enrolled to a Unit with 24 CP, and with a Standard Fee Type, then the Unit Fee Amount applied is 2000.00.

Example 2: Course Code, Fee Type, Credit Point, Level

The table below is an example of creating fee rules for a Course depending on the Unit's Credit Points, Fee Type and Unit Level (banding). Following the example above - The Unit Enrolment Fee Amount outcome would be - given the new fee rules data below, once a Student is enrolled on the Bachelor of Arts Course when enrolled to a Unit with 24 CP, with a Standard Fee Type, but with the Unit Level (banding) of 3, then the Unit Fee Amount to be applied is now 2800.00.


A Unit Fee may change each year. The fee that is applicable to a new Unit Enrolment, is the fee that is currently saved at this very instant. Changing the fee value now, will not affect the fees that have been saved for any previously saved unit enrolments. Depending on the business rules at your institution, you may archive the current fee record and create a new fee record.

It is important that all Fee Rules are saved correctly and checked, prior to beginning any enrolments. Any enrolments that are made prior to the change in unit fees, will require that the fee be manually updated for each enrolment to reflect the new fee.

  • Make sure fees are correct before proceeding with enrolment

  • Do not allow enrolments to commence while you are still adding fees or Scheduled Units

  • Updating a fee will not update any historical enrolments. Make sure fees are correct before proceeding with enrolment

  • When utilising Scheduled Unit From and Thru Dates in your fee rules, ensure uniformity across all rules. The system only acknowledges date-based fee rules when date fields are in use.


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