Reports and Letters

This page provides an overview of the Reports menu in Paradigm and the reports that you can generate and send to students


There are three types of reports in Paradigm:

  • Letter Reports - are pre-formatted letters that can be generated including student-specific information and data. Some can be produced and either emailed via the communication module others are designed to be printed and supplied to the student as required.

  • Operational Reports - these are reports that can provide the institution with data on Student enrolments, courses, class lists, transcripts, etc.

  • Government Reports - reports that are designed to fulfil the reporting requirements placed on institutions by TEQSA, AVETMISS, etc. This also includes PIR reporting.

Reports Category

Reports in Paradigm are saved and can be accessed from any of these categories:

  • Provider - The Provider Reports section contains reports used for day-to-day reporting of student cohorts and providing data for teaching staff such as Class lists, Students by degree, email lists of cohorts, entering final grades, session reports, etc.

  • Student - The Student Reports section has reports/documents specifically for students, Transcripts, AHEGS, Testamur, Statement of Attainments, Student Card, Enrolment Summary, Student Payment Advice, Advisor reports, Session attendance, Notification of Results, etc.

  • Financial - The Financial Section contains reports on finance, Student Units Summary report, Student Sundry invoice Summary, Student Payment Summary, Commonwealth Assistance Notices, etc.

  • Letters - Letter reports are pre-formatted letters that can be generated including student-specific information and data.

  • All - If you are unsure of the report you are looking for, or what type of reporting can be done from Paradigm this is a list of all reports available. The reports available within this section are determined by the user's level of access.

  • AVETMISS - This section contains all of the NAT Files required for AVETMISS reporting

  • TESQA - This section contains all of the reports required for TESQA reporting including PIR full year and Half year, PIR Past Course Completions

Report Output Formats

Available formats for the Report Builder can include PDF, XLS, HTML, CSV, XML, and JSON. However, not all reports can be produced in all formats.

Report Customisation

Reports built in the Report Builder are completely customisable by either the builder within your institution or build your own or via the Silverband help desk if assistance is required. Other reports are β€œhard coded” and are used by all Paradigm users and are not able to be altered or changed. For more information on these please contact the Silverband help desk.

Security - Some of these reports can contain sensitive information and therefore should not be available to all staff. These can be restricted by access level and hidden depending on the requirements of the institution.

Available Reports in Paradigm

Refer to the following knowledge articles for a list and a brief description of the possible reports by type that you can customise, send as an attachment to your communication events, and generate:

Generate Common Reports

To help you generate common reports in Paradigm, refer to the page link below:

Step-by-Step Guide to Generating Common Reports

Last updated