Add Tutors and Markers to Unit Enrolments

Prerequisite Records

Before following the workflow outlined below for adding or assigning tutors and markers to Unit Enrolments, ensure the following records have been established:

  1. Markers and Tutors are added as contacts with the appropriate "Tutor" or "Marker" roles (see Assign Roles to a Contact).

  2. The rates' fields (Primary Marker Rate, Secondary Marker Rate, Primary Tutor Rate, Secondary Tutor Rate), including GST, ABN, etc. under the OTHER DETAILS section of the Contact's record, are correctly filled out.


  1. Navigate to Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Student Results and search for the Scheduled Unit where the students are enrolled.

  2. Click the ACTIONS button against the Scheduled Unit and select the Tutor Markers option.

  1. In the UNIT ENROLMENT-TUTOR MARKER section, designate the Primary Tutor or Marker and, if applicable, the Secondary Tutor or Marker. Choosing a contact from the list will auto-fill their rates.

  1. Select the Unit Enrolments you want them to be assigned or added.

  2. Click the SAVE button.

Last updated