Search Course

When using the Student > Search Course menu in Paradigm, you can generate a bulk list of all students who are currently enrolled in a particular course and have a specific enrollment status. Additionally, the search criteria for student enrollment are quite extensive, providing you with a wide range of options when searching for course enrolments.

To search for students enrolled in a course, you can use the following criteria

Search Course Criteria

To search for a student enrolled in a specific course, you can use the following criteria:

  • Course Name - The name of the course that the students are enrolled in.

  • Enrolment Status - The current status of the student's enrolment in the chosen course. The options available in the drop box are chosen by the institution. Examples may include Applied, Enrolled, Completed, Deferred, and Leave of Absence.

  • Home Institution - The college, campus or institution where the student is primarily enrolled and undertaking studies.

  • Funding Type - The type of funding type that the student is using to pay for the course. Examples may include Fee-HELP, HECS-HELP, Upfront, and Scholarship.

  • Start Date - The date that the student began or is expected to begin, studying units that are part of this course.

  • End Date - The date that the student is expected to complete studying all units that are part of this course.

  • Contact Mode - How the student is completing this course. The options are chosen by your institution and may include Attending, Online, and Distance.

  • Contact Hours - How the student is in contact with the home institution, indicating studies on a full-time, part-time, or unknown basis.

  • Order By - Option to set how the results are listed based on the selected field name

  • Agent - The agent related to the students' Course Enrolment (if applicable)

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