Record an Agent Payment directly on the Unit Enrolment Record


Payment from an agent can be recorded in Paradigm directly in the Unit Enrolment record, via the Accounting menu if you are using the Accounting module, or via the Quick Apply Payment menu in the Course Enrolment ACTIONS button -- in your invoicing and receipting processes. Recording an agent payment directly on the Unit Enrolment record provides you with the fastest and simplest way to track agent payment for each Unit Enrolment record.

Refer to the following workflows whichever is applicable to your current requirements:

Directly on the Unit Enrolment Record

  1. Load the Student's Unit Enrolment record where you want to record the payment, see Edit a Unit Enrolment record.

  2. With the Unit Enrolment record loaded, go to the FINANCIAL INFORMATION section and edit the following fields under the Accounting sub-section as necessary:

    • Contact who received payment - the lists here are from contacts who have an assigned role as a Registrar, see Assign Roles to a Contact

    • Payment Received - Enter the dollar amount here

    • Payment Date - the date the payment is received

  3. The Amount Received field in the section above might as well be updated to reflect the correct Amount Due of the Unit Enrolment.

  1. Click the SAVE UNIT ENROLMENT button to save your payment record.

Using the Accounting Module

If your business or institution is using the Accounting module of Paradigm for your invoicing and receipting processes, refer to the following workflows:

Using the Quick Payment Menu

You also have the option to use the Apply Payment option under the Course Enrolment ACTIONS button in the Student Summary screen:

Last updated