How to email payment receipts with the Communication Module/Event?

The instructions below are on sending a communication event per student, for the instructions on sending bulk communications, refer to the Communication Event knowledge article.

  1. In the Accounting > Summary or Payments screen, go to the STUDENT PAYMENTS LIST section.

  2. Click the ACTIONS button against the payment that you want to send, and select the Email with Communication Event option.

3. In the COMMUNICATION DETAILS section, set the Communication Status to Sent, select the Communication Template Message, check/edit/update the email body as necessary and as required, as an optional step – scroll down to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section, check the attachment content.

After verifying all the communication details and attachments, click the SAVE AND SEND button.

An email with the attachment has now been sent and a copy of both is saved into the Communication Event record.

Last updated