βœ…AVETMISS Reporting


This article provides an overview of AVETMISS, the national standard for the collection of VET data. Each AVETMISS NAT file outlines the workflow on how to use Paradigm to generate each reporting file and submit it to NCVER's AVETMISS Validation Software for validation.

The Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) for VET providers is the data standard for the National VET Provider Collection and the VET in Schools Collection, which collects training information from government-funded and privately-operated training providers.

The VET Provider Standard is presented in two documents: the AVETMISS VET Provider Collection specifications and the AVETMISS data element definitions. The collection specifications describe the files and fields to be collected. The data element definitions define the fields or data elements used in the collection.

The current version of the Standard is release 8.0, which applies to all training activity from 1 January 2018. You can find the link to download it below

Further Reading


National Reporting (NCVER)Victorian VET (SVTS)

Troubleshooting | FAQs

NAT00060 File Unit of Competency Missing in the Report

NAT00060 File Unit of Competency Missing in the Report

The Unit of Competency is tracked and recorded in Paradigm as Assessments in the Base Unit down to the Scheduled Unit Level. To ensure that the Unit of Competency appears in the report, the Code Id should be added to the Assessment Details section of the Base Unit. You can refer to the steps below:

  1. Load the Base Unit record for the missing Unit of Competency in the report

  2. Go to the ASSESSMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH UNIT section and edit the assessment item

  3. After entering the Code Id in the Base Unit level, load the Scheduled Unit and go to the ASSESSMENTS section, (1) edit the assessment item again and check if the Assessment Code field has been updated to the Unit of Competency Code. For already Scheduled Units, copy the Unit of Competency code again in the Assessment Code field (2) Kindly also fill out the highlighted fields below for compliance, and then (3) save the assessment.

Raise a Support Ticket if the instructions above do not solve the issue.

Last updated