Student Portal: Work Experience

Within the Student Portal, students can input their Work Experience information. The system provides a set of fields for their completion. It's worth noting that, by default, these fields may be configured as read-only for students' permission levels. However, if you're a full admin user of Paradigm, you have the flexibility to customise the visibility and editability of these fields according to your institution's preferences, see Edit Labels and Edit Form Fields.

  • Facility Type - The items in the dropdown can be customised via the Edit Code Items menu under the Code Type ID of PROF_EXP_STAGE.

  • Status - The status items in the dropdown can be customised via the Edit Status Items menu under the Code Type ID of PROF_EXP_STATUS.

  • Placement Start Date

  • Placement Completion Date

  • Duration

  • Maximum Students Permitted

  • Hours of Work

  • Start Time

  • End Time

  • Shift Work Type

  • Shift Work Time

  • Shift Rotation

  • Ward - This field is designed for capturing nursing or hospital-related work experience, but you can edit the label to align with your specific work experience requirements.

  • Grade - The grade items for the Work Experience can be customised via the Edit Code Items menu under the Code Type ID of PROF_EXP_GRADE.

  • Placement Meeting Attended: Yes/No

  • Placement Meeting Date

  • Procedure Meeting Attended: Yes/No

  • Procedure Meeting Date

  • Registration Form Received: Yes/No

  • Registration Form Received Date

  • Provider Confirmed: Yes/No

  • Provider Confirmed Date

  • Comments

  • Billing Status

  • Billing Rate

  • External Placement ID

  • Parent Code

  • Scheduled Unit Id

  • Service Provider - Provider records with the assigned role of "Work Experience Provider"

  • Associated Home Supervisor - Contact records with the assigned role of "WE Coordinator"

  • Associated Provider Supervisor - Contact records with the assigned role of "WE Primary Supervisor"

  • Associated Secondary Provider Supervisor - Contact records with the assigned role of "WE Secondary Supervisor"

Last updated