Bulk Edit Student Personal Details

This page will provide you with instructions on how to edit allowable personal details of selected students in bulk


This workflow will allow you to edit in bulk some of the (allowable) personal details that are made available to be edited in bulk via the Student Details Bulk Edit menu. The following fields are the permitted fields to be edited in bulk using the Bulk Edit menu:

  • Gender

  • Home Institution

  • Status

  • Denomination

  • Citizenship

  • Fee Type

  • Alumni

  • Student Card Requested

  • Student Card Issued


  1. Create a bulk list of targeted students you want to edit the personal details that are the same as the fields specified above.

Choose one from the available workflows in Paradigm on how you can generate a bulk list of students here. Ensure that the workflow selected for generating a bulk list of students includes the Student Numbercolumn.

  1. After your list has been generated, navigate to Student > Student Details > Bulk Edit menus on the side and go to the PERSONAL DETAILS section. Set the fields common to your created bulk list of students and click the SAVE ALL STUDENTS button to save your changes.


If successful, you should receive a success message for each student record that you have included in your bulk list.

Last updated