How do I extend or expire the dates of a Scheduled Course?

There are two Start and End Dates that you can set in your Scheduled Course: In the Scheduled Course Details section are the Offer Start and End Dates, while in the Program Details section are the Start and Expected End Dates.

The dates on top (Offer Start and Offer Expected End Date) dictate the timeframe when the applicants or students are allowed to apply or enrol on the scheduled course.

While the dates below (Start and Expected End Date) dictate the semester start date and its expected semester end date for the student to complete studying the course.

To extend or expire the dates of your Scheduled Course that relates to the Online Applicant Portal or Student Portal, refer to the instructions below:

  1. Refer to this knowledge article: Add New Course Offer for more details on how to Add a Scheduled Program/Add a New Course Offer in Paradigm.

  2. Choose Courses > Edit Scheduled Course menus on the side. Search for the Scheduled Course that you want to extend or expire the dates.

  3. Click the EDIT button or the (pencil icon) to edit

  1. Edit the necessary dates fields below:

A. Offer Start Date and Expected End Date – when will the Course be available for enrolment and when will be the last day a student is allowed to enrol to the Course.

Extend the expected end date here if you want to extend the online application and enrolment, expire if you want the scheduled program to stop accepting applications/enrolments.

B. Start and Expected End Date – Start Date of the Semester you will run the Course and the expected End Date of the Semester when the Course is expected to be completed

  1. Click the SAVE DETAILS button to save your changes.

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