TCSI Error Code - 10098

The Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) is after the Course Effective To Date (E610).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) and the Course Effective To Date (E610). A student can't commence a course that is no longer active.

Error Logic

If the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) is not blank (null), then the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) must be on or before the Course Effective To Date (E610) of the Course Resource Key (UID5).

Paradigm Error Resolution

Please check the Course of Study Commencement Date (E534) and the Course Effective To Date (E610). A student can't commence a course that is no longer active.

Load the student's Course Enrolment record, see Load a Course Enrolment record and check the date set on the Start Date field.

Compare it to the Base Course's record Effective to Date field. Load the Base Course record and check the Accreditation Date Due field.

Edit the date accordingly and save the record where you have changed the date.

Last updated