Add a Scheduled Unit Fee by Program Level

This page will provide you with instructions on how to add a Scheduled Unit Fee by Course or Program Level


A Scheduled Unit Fee can be defined by the Standard Unit Fee set in the Base Course record level with a specific Program Level: e.g. ELICOS, Postgraduate, Undergraduate, VET, Secondary, Non-Award, Graduate, etc. Note that when choosing to add a Scheduled Unit Fee with this method, this will add the Standard Unit Fee that is entered in the Base Course record page for all Courses or Programs in the selected group or Program Level.


  1. Search for the Scheduled Unit record where you want to add a Unit Fee Amount depending on the Course or Program Level, see Search a Scheduled Unit

  2. With the Scheduled Unit record loaded, go to the ASSOCIATED FEES section. Select the Program Level that you want the Scheduled Unit Fee to be associated with, e.g. select Graduate if you want the Scheduled Unit to be associated with all Graduate Level Courses or Programs with a Standard Fee amount set in the Base Course record level.

There are two fields in the Base Course records that are being checked when performing this method of adding fees:

  • Course Level

  • Standard Unit Fee

Refer to the Add a Base Course or the Base Course Record Type pages for more details on these fields.

  1. After selecting the Program Level, click the ADD PROGRAM FEES button.

  1. Repeat the same steps to add another Program Level Standard Unit Fee to the Scheduled Unit.

After adding the applicable Standard Unit Fee to the selected Program Level, you should now see under the ASSOCIATED FEES section of the Scheduled Unit record the added fees.

When a Student enrols in the Scheduled Unit, the system will check the enrolled Course Level or Program of the Student and apply the Standard Unit Fee Amount accordingly.

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