Letter Reports


Letter Reports can be sent as attachments to communication events. The reports are created and formatted by us with your specifications. Raise a ticket if you need to customise some of the available letter reports in Paradigm listed below.



If there is a student currently loaded in the system, letter reports that require a Student Number will automatically be set to the currently loaded student record.

Generate Directly from the Reports Menu

  1. To generate a letter report in Paradigm, (1)navigate to Reports > (2)Letters menus on the side, (3)find the letter report that you want to produce, (4)click the GET REPORT and enter the required fields to run.

  1. Fill out the required parameters and generate the report accordingly.

  2. Refer to the list of letter reports for any notes and recommendations on how to run each report.

Edit or Hide Letter Reports

To edit the allowable fields related to a letter report in Paradigm, refer to the workflow here. If you want to hide some of the letter reports under the Reports > Letters menu, refer to the instructions here.

Send as an Attachment to Bulk Communications

If you want to send a bulk communication event with an attachment of one of the Letter Reports, refer to the Send Bulk Communications with Attachment workflow.

Send the Report to an Individual Student

If you want to send a Letter Report to an individual student, refer to the Send Individual Communication with Attachment workflow.

To see the list of Letter Reports that are available in Paradigm, proceed to the next page.

Last updated