Step 3 - Match the External Values to Paradigm Values

This page contains instructions on the third step of creating a new Import Profile using the Import Wizard

  1. After mapping the fields to match with the Paradigm fields, some values of the fields being mapped need also to be matched with Paradigm values. e.g. the course type, in your source file the values were entered in uppercase, e.g. β€œCOURSEWORK and RESEARCH” while in Paradigm, it should be β€œCoursework and Research”; another example would be from Course Level, some source values were entered as β€œUNDERGRAD” while in Paradigm it’s β€œUndergraduate”, etc.


Paradigm will detect values that are entered differently (in lowercase or uppercase) from Paradigm’s default (defined) or existing values.

  1. After mapping all the values, click the SAVE MAPPING button to proceed to the next step.

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