Disable a Contact Login

As staff from an institution either leave or move to a different position, access may need to be removed or suspended. Only staff who require access to Paradigm must have access to it to ensure compliance with Privacy Policies.


  1. Load the Contact’s record, see Search for a Contact Record.

  2. With the Contact record loaded in the system, navigate to Contacts > Login menus on the side and go to the ACTIVATE USER LOGIN section. Click the DISABLE USER LOGIN button to disable it.

Clicking the DISABLE USER LOGIN button changes the Enabled value to N and disables the Contact or User from logging in to Paradigm.

If you want to delete a Contact's Login from Paradigm permanently, you can also take the following steps:

  • Remove the Contact's Security Group

    1. Go to the ASSIGNED SECURITY FOR USER LOGIN section and click the REMOVE SECURITY button against the currently assigned permission level of the user.

  • Set the Contact's Record Status to Archived or Inactive

    1. Navigate to Contacts > Edit Details menus on the side and go to the OTHER DETAILS section.

    2. Set the Status to Archived or Inactive and click the SAVE CONTACT button to save your changes.

Last updated