Credit Points Enrollable


When outlining your Course, the considerations regarding the limitations of the number of credit points when enrolling can be set in the Base Course record. There are credit point fields that are related to controlling the enrolment of students using the Course Plan.

Refer to the following available fields and how you might apply them on your Course Plan:

  • Maximum Credit Points Enrollable - this controls the number of credit points the student can enrol in one study period, e.g. if you allow four units per semester as the maximum and each unit is worth 6cp, then the required value to enter on this field is 24. NOTE that this field can also be overridden in the Course Enrolment record level.

  • Minimum Credit Points Enrollable - this controls the minimum number of credit points the student can enrol in one study period, e.g. if the minimum number of units a student can enrol into in one semester is 1 and each unit is worth 6cp, then the value required is 6. NOTE that this field can also be overridden in the Course Enrolment record level.

  • Credit Points Per Semester - this field will set the standard number of credit points a student can enrol in one study period. The logic of the Maximum Credit Points Enrollable field works the same if you set this field.

  • Maximum Elective Credit Points - controls the maximum number of credit points set for the units in a course defined as "Elective" in the Course Outline, e.g. for a course that has 24 units in total. Of that 24, 8 are core units leaving 16 units as electives. If each unit is worth 6cp the total is 16 elective units x 6cp per unit = 96.0. If you want to limit the number of electives your students can enrol in the whole Course study, you can also set this field to the maximum allowable credit points of Elective units, e.g. out of the 96cp elective units in the example above, if you only allow the students to choose or enrol to only 2 elective units for the whole course, then set this field to 12.

Refer to the instructions below on how you can set the fields mentioned above.


  1. Load the Base Course record of the Course Outline that you are creating, see Edit a Base Course Record.

  2. With the Base Course record loaded, under the EDIT COURSE DETAILS section, edit the credit points-related fields as discussed above accordingly.

  1. Click the SAVE COURSE button to save your changes.

When Enrolling via the Course Plan

Refer to the following error messages the students will receive if they enrol on more units than what is required and set in the Base Course:

Example 1: Enrolling into more than the set Maximum Elective Credit Points

Example 2: Enrolling into more than the set Maximum Credit Points Enrollable

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