Add OSHC to a Course Enrolment Record


After you have created an OSHC Provider record (see Add New OSHC Provider Record), and added a Base and Scheduled Unit that holds the OSHC details (see Add OSHC | OTHER FEE Unit Type), you can now add the Overseas Health Cover to the Students' Course Enrolment records where applicable.


  1. Load the Student Course Enrolment Record where the OSHC is applicable.

  2. With the Course Enrolment record loaded, navigate to Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit menus on the side and go to the ADD OVERSEAS HEALTH COVER section. Refer to the following guide for filling out the fields:

    • Overseas Health Cover - select the OSHC-related Scheduled Unit from the list, see Add OSHC | OTHER FEE Unit Type

    • Overseas Health Cover Provider - select the OSHC Provider record here that is applicable to the currently loaded Course Enrolment, see Add a New OSHC Provider Record

    • From Date and Thru Date - the date range of the insurance cover

    • OSHC Fee Amount - the required insurance fee amount

    • Policy number - enter the policy number here accordingly

  1. After filling out the required information above, click the ADD OVERSEAS HEALTH COVER button.

  2. After adding the OSHC to the Course Enrolment, refer to the Agents | OSHC Finances for the invoicing and receipting workflows

Add OSHC | OTHER FEE Unit TypeAgents | OSHC Finances

Last updated