Send CANs


Commonwealth Assistance Notices or CANs are the reports that are sent to students after the census date to inform them of the units and associated fees that will be reported to the Government (Via HEIMS and TSCI / HEPCAT) on their behalf.

Providers are required to send CAN notices to students after the census date and within 28 days of the earliest date if sending a CAN for multiple census dates. Students are required to notify providers of any issues within 14 days of the CANs' notice issue date.

Below is a flow chart of the CANs' timelines and workflow.

Required fields to produce single CAN notices from the Student Summary page.


CANs notices are required to contain:

  • Students Name;

  • The name of the Higher Education Provider;

  • The Student Identification Number as issued by the Provider;

  • The Student’s Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN);

  • The Student’s Unique Student Identifier (USI);

  • The Higher Education Award(s) in which the student is enrolled in

  • The EFTSL for each unit

  • The Unit Name and Census Date

  • The student cohort to which the person belongs;

  • The total EFTSL in which the student is enrolled;

  • The total amount of UPFRONT payment;

  • The total amount of the HECS-HELP discount; (if applicable);

  • The total amount of HECS-HELP debt; (if applicable);

  • The total amount of FEE-HELP assistance;

  • The total amount of the FEE-HELP loan fee; and

  • The total amount of FEE-HELP debt.

  • Whether the student is required to make a student contribution or pay tuition fees or is an exempt student

  • The student contribution amount;

  • The tuition fee amount;

  • The amount of up-front payment;

  • The amount of HECS-HELP discount



To follow the instructions below, please ensure that the Time Period > Census Period of CAN_CENSUS_PERIOD type is set to cover the range of the Census Dates that you plan to send out.

Send CANs to a Student

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to the Reports > Letters menus on the side.

  3. Search for the COMMONWEALTH ASSISTANCE NOTICE report. You can use the Ctrl + F keys for Windows. Click the GET REPORT button.

  1. You have the option to system-generate the three fields (1) - (3) steps as shown in the screenshot below by simply clicking the button on the left. The button will read from the currently loaded student record in the system.

  1. Ensure that the rest of the fields are verified, set, or filled out: Course/Degree, Institution, Census Date From and To, and Unit Enrolment Status before clicking the CREATE A SINGLE COMMUNICATION EVENT AND SEND button.

  2. In the COMMUNICATION DETAILS section, edit the necessary fields: Note that the system will load by default the CANs email template. Click the SAVE AND SEND button to send the CANs. Refer to Send Individual Communication with Paradigm Letter Reports Attachment workflow for the details.

Send CANs in Bulk to Students

  1. Create a bulk list of students to include in the CANs email.

    NOTES when creating the bulk list for CANs:

    • The bulk list creation of students' workflow that you choose should include the (Student Number and Course Enrolment Id) columns, see Generate a Bulk List of Student Records

    • When generating the CANs report, you can use the Student Course Enrolment Details base report and make sure that the following fields are filled out under the Base Report Parameters under the FILTER CLAUSES section:

      • Unit Census Date - select the Census Period of the Unit Enrolments you want included

      • Unit Provider Party Id - If you want to only generate CANs under specific campuses

      • Unit Enrolment Status - To specify the Unit Enrolment statuses you want to be included in the CANs report.

      • Funding Type - Specify the funding type included, e.g. FEE-HELP


If you're not yet familiar with the Report Builder menu, you can refer to the workflows provided here when generating reports.

  1. After you have created the bulk list, navigate to Student > Communication to create a bulk communication event using the CANs letter template. Follow the instructions from Steps 1-4 from this workflow: Bulk Communications with External File Attachments

  2. After creating the bulk CANs email event, navigate to Reports > Letters menus on the side. Find the report called COMMONWEALTH ASSISTANCE NOTICE and click the GET REPORT button.

  1. Fill out the following fields accordingly and click the CREATE REPORT FOR COMMUNICATION EVENTS button:

    • Course/Degree - If you want to only generate the CANs under a specific Course or Program enrolment

    • Institution - If you want to only generate CANs under specific campuses

    • HEIMS Census Date From and To - If you want to override the Census Date range set under the Time Period > Census Period of CAN_CENSUS_PERIOD type.

    • Unit Enrolment Status - To specify the statuses you want to be included in the CANs report.

  1. Please wait for the report to finish generating. Once the progress bar shows 'completed' or reaches 100%, you can navigate to the 'COMMUNICATION EVENT BULK LIST' section at the top of the screen. From there, select all the students in the list and proceed to click 'EMAIL SELECTED RECIPIENTS WITH ATTACHMENTS.


You can refer to the Bulk Communications with Paradigm Reports/Letters workflow for more details on the workflow.

Alternatively, you can refer to this video tutorial for the instructions:

Last updated