Manually Add a Fee Per Scheduled Unit

This page will provide you with instructions on how to add a Fee Amount Per Scheduled Unit


A Unit Fee added directly to the Scheduled Unit record will override rules corresponding with existing Fee Rules. This workflow is recommended if you want a Scheduled Unit to have the Unit Fee Amount specified instead of inheriting from the added Fee Rules.


  1. Search for the Scheduled Unit record where you want to add a Unit Fee Amount, see Search a Scheduled Unit

  2. With the Scheduled Unit record loaded, go to the ASSOCIATED FEES section and click the NEW FEES button.

  1. Enter or fill out the required fields accordingly. Enter the Unit Fee Amount under the Fee field.

Refer to the Scheduled Fees Record Type for a description of each field and if you need to add more details or information on the Scheduled Unit fee.

  1. After saving the Unit Fee, it will now be in play for any new Unit Enrolments for that Scheduled Unit. The Unit Fee you just added can be edited and viewed under the ASSOCIATED FEES section of the Scheduled Unit record.

Last updated