
This page contains all related workflows for the student Course and Unit Enrolment outcomes or results


  • Final grades become visible to students and other users once they have been published. Until then, grades are only accessible to individuals with administrator-level permissions.

  • If you need to change a grade after it has been published, you must first unpublish the grade, make the necessary changes, save it, and then republish the grade.

  • By setting the Grade Release Date, you can control when the published grade will be viewable by students in their portal.

Entering results comprises the following basic workflows depending on how you are entering the results.

Enter Final Grades to Unit Enrolments

Choose from the available workflows on how you enter the final grades:

  1. Record Final Grade per Unit Enrolment Record - recommended if you want to record the Academic Outcome in detail for each Unit Enrolment record in the system

  2. Record Final Grade per Student Course Enrolment Record - recommended if you are not using a grade percentage/numerical value of grades. This is applicable if you choose to record only the Grade Description as the final grade, e.g. High Distinction, Distinction, etc.

  3. Record Final Grade per Class or Scheduled Unit Record - Enrolled Students - recommended if you are recording the grade percentage or if the Grade Description is dependent on the numerical value/grade percentage of the grade.

Are you using Assessments? see Manage Results if Using Assessments

Managing your student-result-related records in the system is critical for the smooth running delivery of programs and units in your business or institution. In Paradigm, you have options on how you can enter the results depending on what is required and the most efficient workflow to follow for each use case.

Refer to the following links for the workflows on how to manage all student-result-related records in the system:

Record Types

Do you want to know some of the data table fields related to students' results? Proceed to the Record Types section.


Do you have questions related to students' results/final grades/publishing grades, etc.? Check the FAQs section where we have collated some of the commonly asked questions on enrolments.


Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to manage your student-result-related records (Entering Final Grades, Assessment Results, Publishing Grades, Course Completion, etc.)? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Last updated