This page will provide answers and solutions to common questions and issues encountered when doing the invoicing and receipting in Paradigm.


If your questions or inquiries are not listed in this article, please raise a support request ticket.

Accounting Module

What to do when a tuition amount is incorrect?

Refer to the details of this page to answer this question: What to do when a tuition amount is incorrect?

How to print invoices and payment receipts?

Refer to the instructions on this page: How to print invoices and payment receipts?

How to email payment receipts with the Communication Module/Event?
Why I can't find/add the Unit Enrolment(s) on the list of Items to be invoiced?
How to Edit/Add/Delete Items to an Invoice [SENT or IN-PROCESS Status]?
How to add non-tuition fee items in an invoice? e.g. late payment, library fine, etc.

Add Non-Tuition Fee Items in an Invoice e.g late payment, library fine

Non-tuition fee items in the Accounting module can be added via the Accounting > Edit Products menu, see Add a New Product Item.

The default price for each item/product can also be added, see Update Product Default Price.


Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to do invoicing and receipting? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Last updated