Step 3 - Assessing Applications


After the applicant has submitted the application, you as the Provider can now view all the information, attachments, and initial payment details that the applicant has submitted. This is the time to review, cross-check, and evaluate all the required fields that matter to you and the government for reporting (if the applicant is successful). This page will guide you on how to check the submitted application details in Paradigm, and how to advise the applicant to return to the application page if you need them to add, edit, or confirm any details before you can accept their application, and most importantly, how to send an offer to your successful applicant.


Video Tutorial Link: Provider: Check Submitted Application, Review, Decide (In Process, Reject, Offer)


The decision you make on any application is subject to your business or institution’s acceptance standards and procedures, with all your varied entry requirements for each scheduled course.

You can customise your responses [email templates] as discussed in the Configuration section: Customising Email Templates.

1. Check / Review the Details and Attachments Submitted


After the applicant has submitted the application details, attachments, etc., you as the Provider can now review all that information and decide whether to accept or reject the application.

Check the details of the submitted application, review and cross-check against the attached proof/documents by following the steps below:

  1. Search for the applicant’s record in Paradigm. Set the Status criteria to β€œApplied” or β€œProspective”. Refer to this how-to guide on How to Search for a Student Record.

  2. While the applicant’s record is currently loaded in the system, you can view the details under the Student > Student Details menus in Paradigm.

  3. Other application details submitted are found by navigating to Student > Course Enrolment > Student Audition, Experience menus on the side.

  4. Attachments are found by navigating to the Student > Files menu.

View the Application Form


An alternative method for reviewing the application summary - workflow is available here.

To navigate through the application form pages of the Applicant, please follow the instructions provided below:

  1. Load the Applicant's record. When searching for the applicant via the Student > Search menu, change the status to "Applied".

  1. With the Applicant summary screen record loaded, go to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section. Click the ACTIONS menu against the applied Course and select the Course Enrolment Application menu.

  1. After clicking the Course Enrolment Application menu. Click the SAVE DETAILS button to proceed to the next page.

Application Review Request

To create an application review request, please refer to the provided workflows here.

2. IF Needs Revision: YES? Set Course Enrolment Application Status to In-Process


As a Provider, if you are not satisfied with some of the information submitted and you want the applicant to return and add, edit, or update some fields that you think could be critical for their acceptance to the Course, you have the option to set the application to β€œIn Process” in Paradigm which will then allow the student to return to the Online Applicant Portal. See below for instructions on how to do it:

  1. Load the applicant’s Student record in the system and navigate to Student > Summary menus on the side. Go to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section click on the Actions button that relates to the student's course enrolment application, and select the Course Enrolment Application option.

  1. Set the Application Status Id to In Process, and then click the SAVE DETAILS button.

  1. The applicant (or you as an Administrator) can now return to the Application Portal and add, edit, and update the required/necessary information.

3. IF Needs Revision: NO? Make Course Offer / Reject / Other Decision on the Application


Depending on your business or institution’s application acceptance standards, you have the option to customise your responses [email templates] by providing the necessary details (conditions, how they may improve their suitability for a future course intake, etc.), see the Customising Email Templates section of this knowledge article.

IF you want to reject the application, you have the option to send a communication event using your email template to reject applications, see the Customising Email Templates configuration page. The same options apply to your other possible application outcomes.

Refer to the instructions below if you want to proceed with the Course Offer:

After checking and verifying all the details of the submitted information, if you decide to offer the applicant a place in the course that they’ve applied for, refer to the instructions below on how to send them a Course Offer Letter.

The instructions below assume that your Course Offer template has already been set up and configured according to your business or institution’s requirements and specifications. If this is not the case, contact our Silverband HelpDesk.

  1. Set the Course Enrolment Application status (from the instructions in the previous section) to Completed.

  2. Navigate to Student > Summary menus on the side. Go to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section and select the Make Course Offer option. This autogenerates the "CoursePlacementOffer" document and attaches it to a communication event.

  1. You have the option to check the offer letter template that you are about to send to the applicant by scrolling down the page to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENT section

  1. After checking the offer letter template (β€œCourse Enrolment Offer Notification” see Customising Email Templates), you can now proceed to set the Communication Status to Sent and double check the email recipient is set to the email address of the intended applicant.

  1. Select the appropriate Communication Template Message from the drop-down menu to match the Email Subject, and double-check the content of the Communication description before clicking the Save and Send button.

  2. Click the SAVE AND SEND button.


When you click the SAVE AND SEND button:

  • Paradigm sends the offer letter to the applicant, and

  • it automatically updates the Course Enrolment Status of the applicant from Applied to Offered.

  • Whether you’ve sent the Course Offer letter or made any other decision, the applicant will be informed on what to do next based on the decision.

Alternatively, you can watch a demo clip below on how to send an offer:

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