Record Final Grades for Enrolled Units for a Specific Grade Description

This page contains instructions on how to update a Student's Unit Enrolments for a specific Grade Description


For cases when you need to record Final Grades for Unit Enrolments for a specific Grade Description, e.g. three Unit Enrolments with a High Distinction grade outcome, you can record this via the Units screen. Select the Unit Enrolments that are to have the same outcome or grade description and perform the bulk action to update the final grade for each unit enrolment.


  1. Load the Student's Course Enrolment record where you want to update the Final Grade Description of its related Unit Enrolments, see Load a Course Enrolment record

  2. With the Course Enrolment record loaded, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Units menus on the side. This will load a page listing all the units enrolled by the student in the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT section.

(1) Select all the units you want to update into a specific Grade Description, by checking the checkboxes against each Unit Enrolment, or you can check the checkbox in the header column to select all the units if you want to update all the units on the list.

(2) In the Select Action to perform on Units dropdown, select the Update grade description for the selected units option

(3) Select the Grade that is to be applied to all of the selected Unit Enrolments

(4) Click the SUBMIT button to apply the Grade Description to all of the selected Unit Enrolments

updating the grade via the Select Action to perform on Units menu
  1. Submitting the changes will only update the Grade Description field of the Academic Outcomes section of each selected Unit Enrolment.

Unit Enrolment Academic Outcomes section

To publish the grades, refer to the Publish Selected Student Unit Enrolments to a Specific Grade Description workflow

If you want to set a specific grade release date when you want the student to be able to view the published grades, refer to the Schedule a Grade Release Date for a Student Unit Enrolments workflow before you follow the instructions to publish the grades.

  1. Repeat the steps for any other Unit Enrolments for this student, with a different Grade Description value.

Last updated