Order By Clauses

This page will provide a description and examples for each Basic Comparison Operator that are made available in Report Builder


Organising the columns (data or information) in your report will make it more meaningful and easy to interpret. In Report Builder, you have the option to order your columns into groups by specifying the order in the Order By Clauses section. Order by clauses will let you format the columns (data or information) in your report output into Ascending or Descending order.


When used for numerical fields or column names, numbers will be displayed in increasing order, that is, from smallest to largest, and when used for letters/words, the sort is alphabetical from A to Z, and dates and times order from oldest to newest.


Sample Output (given the sample clause above, the start date will be ordered in ascending order - oldest to newest in the output as shown in the screenshot below)


When used for numerical fields or column names, numbers will be displayed in decreasing order, that is, from largest to smallest, and when used for letters/words, the sort is from Z to A, and dates and times order from newest to oldest.


Sample Output (given the sample clause above, the start date will be ordered in descending order (newest to oldest) in the output as shown in the screenshot below)

You can also set the order directly on the Output File that you have chosen. For example, in Excel -you can use the Sort and Filter feature. If you chose Print Format HTML, selecting the column header will help you with the ordering of your data.

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