Make a Course Offer

  1. Load the Student Summary screen or navigate to Student > Summary menu.

  2. In the COURSE ENROLMENTS section, click the ACTIONS button next to the Course Enrolment record for the student you want to make an offer to.

  1. Select the "Make Course Offer" option. This will open the communication page and automatically attach the Course Offer Letter.


This workflow assumes that the Course Offer report has already been customised and configured for your institution. If not, please raise a ticket and provide your intended Course Offer Letter format.

  1. In the Communication Event screen, set the following fields:

    • From, Email CC Recipients, Email BCC Recipients: Fill in as required.

    • Communication Name/Email Subject: Defaulted to "Course Offer Letter" but can be changed.

    • Entry Date: Defaulted to the current date and timestamp.

    • Communication Status: Set to "Sent".

    • Course Enrolment: Defaulted to the currently loaded Course Enrolment record.

    • Party To Address Role: Defaulted to your institution's configured address type; can be overridden as needed.

    • Communication Template Message: Select a template if available. If not, create one and then load it to this screen.

    • Communication Description/Email Body: Auto-filled if a template is selected; otherwise, enter the message manually.

  2. Optionally, download and review the attached Course Offer Letter.

  1. Click the SAVE AND SEND button. The course offer has now been sent to the student.


Sending the Course Offer Letter to the applicant will update the Course Enrolment Status to 'Offered.' Once the applicant accepts the offer, the status will change to 'Enrolment Accepted.'

Last updated