Certify a Unit Enrolment Grade

To be eligible for Unit Enrolment grade certification, you must have a designated "Grade Certifier" role assigned to your account. To set up this role, please refer to the "Assign a Role to a Contact Record" guide.

Currently, the system permits up to three certifiers to achieve full certification for Unit Enrolment grades. As a certifier, follow the steps below to certify a Unit Enrolment grade:

  1. Load the Student's Unit Enrolment Record: Navigate to the specific Student's Unit Enrolment record that you wish to certify. Detailed instructions on how to do this can be found in the "Edit a Unit Enrolment Record" guide.

  2. Access the Academic Outcomes section: Once you have loaded the Unit Enrolment details, proceed to the Academic Outcomes section. Pay attention to the following:

    • Certification Order: You cannot proceed with certification if you are assigned the role of Certifier 2 and Certifier 1 has not already certified the grade. If Certifier 1 has already certified it, you can already certify it at this moment.

    • The available "CERTIFY UNIT ENROLMENT" button depends on your assigned certifier role number. For instance, if you're a "Grade Certifier 1," you will see the "CERTIFY UNIT ENROLMENT 1" button.

  1. Certify the Unit Enrolment Grade: Based on your assigned certifier role number, you will see the corresponding "CERTIFY UNIT ENROLMENT 1," "CERTIFY UNIT ENROLMENT 2," or "CERTIFY UNIT ENROLMENT 3" button. Click the appropriate button for your role.

  2. Confirmation Message: A confirmation message will appear to verify your action.

  1. Logging Your Certification: Your name, as the certifier, and the date of certification will be recorded in the system.

By following these steps, you can successfully certify Unit Enrolment grades in the system.

Last updated